Proto Plastics

What Makes Quality Management Work?

What Makes Quality Management Work? | Proto Plastics

According to Investopedia, the text book meaning of quality management reads, “The act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of excellence. Including the determination of a quality policy, creating quality planning and assurance, quality control, and improvement.” At Proto Plastics, our program management team guides each and every project from design and development, to production. Our quality management approach strives to complete your project on time and on budget. With our valued employees reaching to enhance our products, services, and business processes, Proto Plastics can ensure the highest quality plastic product delivered to your business.

Proto Plastics repeats our successful quality management approach. Why? Because this system works. We work with you on part design and engineering..from a simple change to overhauling the project. Our plastic materials include 200 different rigid and flexible thermoplastic resins. Our plastic tooling is completed in house and utilizing outside tooling sources. Our injection molding machines provide consistent processing. Our supply chain services work with you to develop delivery and stocking processes. We offer value-added services in finishing and assembly such as component sourcing, custom assembly, sonic welding, and multi-color printing.

Since 1969, when Proto Plastics opened the doors for business, we began our business serving small groups and have grown into a full service, contract manufacturer of custom plastic molded parts and assemblies. Throughout the years, Proto Plastics has remained dedicated to quality control of our products, and hold our integrity and honesty to the highest level. Please contact us. Let’s get your first project started today.

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