Proto Plastics

Ohio – The Heart of Manufacturing, New Technologies, and a Quality Workforce

Ohio - The Heart of Manufacturing, New Technologies, and a Quality Workforce | Proto Plastics

Not only is Ohio located in the great heartland of the Midwest, Ohio is the heart of US manufacturing. From the manufacturing of envelopes, to high tech advanced manufacturing, Ohio is the place to go. And there is one organization, Ohio’s Manufacturer’s Association (OMA), that protects the manufacturing workforce and is committed to the growth of Ohio’s manufacturing industry.

OMA is centrally located in Columbus and is funded solely by member manufacturing companies. The Association focuses its services on advocacy, energy, workers compensation issues, information, offers events and meetings to keep members current, and has a resource library. The staff is always present at the doorstep of the Ohio Statehouse to be sure Ohio’s quality workforce is noticed, protected, and appreciated.

According the OMA website, the Whitehouse is jumping on the wagon and recognizing the need and advantages of progress through technological developments:

Every state boasts its strengths and in Ohio, manufacturing and its hard working people shines throughout the state. Please feel free to contact us to discuss, answer your questions, or listen to your ideas on the subject of manufacturing!

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