Proto Plastics

Top 3 Weatherproof Plastics for Outdoor Structures

Swimming Pool With Blue Water And Transparent Plastic Tent. An example of modern plastic outdoor structures

Swimming pool with blue water and transparent plastic tent. Modern pool design with collapsible wall and roof. Nice contemporary pool in home backyard.

Historically, materials such as wood and metal have dominated the construction of outdoor structures like playgrounds, greenhouses, and outdoor furniture. However, these materials have numerous weaknesses making them unideal for outdoor use. Wood, for example, is susceptible to rotting, warping, and splintering. Glass, on the other hand, even though great for light transmission, is extremely fragile.

Plastic is increasingly becoming an exemplary candidate when designing products for outdoor use. Among the reasons that make plastic excellent for outdoor structures include its durability, functionality, lightweight, and versatility. Plus, some kinds of plastic can withstand severe weather conditions and resist UV light.

Although plastic surpasses other materials in quality and versatility, all plastics aren’t created equal. While some plastics are ideal for indoor use, others are great for outdoor applications. The perfect plastic for outdoor use is resistance to UV radiation damage and corrosion and durable in the face of harsh elements.

Importantly, the plastic used outdoors should be weatherproof due to the severe environmental factors it is exposed to. This article presents three weatherproof plastics for outdoor use that you may want to consider when designing an outdoor application.

1. Acrylic Plastic

Acrylic plastic is fitting for outdoor use, especially in the form of a clear acrylic sheet. Here are the main features that make it the right candidate for outdoor use.

2. Polycarbonate Plastic

This type of plastic was once a niche plastic because of its cost. Mainly used for commercial purposes. However, as polycarbonate plastic becomes prominent, its price has become more accessible for both commercial and residential use. Below are the features that make polycarbonate plastic great for outdoor use.

3. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

This type of plastic is ideal for outdoor use because of the following features;

Are you still using traditional wood and glass for building outdoor structures? Over time, plastic has become an excellent candidate for outdoor use. Whether you choose acrylic, polycarbonate, or HDPE, you will have the best building material to give you a strong and durable outdoor structure. These plastics have superior weatherability, UV resistance, and durability. Contact Proto Plastics to learn more about the available plastics for your next outdoor project.

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