Category Archives: Blog

News, Trends, and Injection Molding Problems and Solutions at Your Fingertips

At PPI, we’re all about sharing the knowledge, because the more you know, the more informed your decision-making process can be and the more confident you are in the process. Get the information you need about plastic injection molding problems and solutions, best practices and the latest industry trends and news through the PPI blog.

The Kind of Plastics Available for Injection Molding

There are many different kinds of plastic available for companies to take advantage of. During the injection molding process, it all depends on what the company is going to be using the plastics for. From food carrying to liquid storage and chemical containers, there are different plastics for different jobs. For the most part, these […] ... More

Proto Plastics to Exhibit at 2015 AMTS Show Oct. 21st. and 22nd.

The future of manufacturing is taking shape with the upcoming 2015 Advanced Manufacturing Technology Show (AMTS) Show. Running from October 21st to the 22nd, AMTS highlights some of the best and brightest new advancements in the world of manufacturing. It really has been a whirlwind year and changes have come in almost every single sector [… ... More

Casting Under Pressure With Injection Molding

Injection molding allows a manufacturing company to expedite the production process. It is possible to complete a single, finished product from the original mold in just a few seconds. Now, there are some variables at play here, but ultimately, no matter what is being constructed or designed, injection molding is able to assist and make […] ... More

Sourcing Small Plastic Molded Parts

The complexity of modern manufacturing means that for almost every single product on the market, from #2 pencils to the cars we drive each day, more than one company has been involved in its creation. Injection molded plastics are a component in millions of products that consumers use every single day of their lives.  With […] ... More
2015 Manufacturing Rebounds in Dayton Ohio | Proto Plastics

2015 Manufacturing Rebounds in Dayton Ohio

Manufacturing is booming in the Dayton, Ohio area. Last year alone, over $420 million investment dollars were funneled into the area and 1,700 new jobs were created. A significant part of this growth comes from a resurgence in metal fabrication and plastic injection molding facilities. Dayton was brutalized by the manufacturing exodus in the last [ ... More