Proto Plastics | Injection Molding

How Kitting at the Point of Manufacture Can Save You Time and Money

Kitting right after production is efficient Kitting is a secondary operation offered by certain plastic injection molding manufacturers. Kitting, or putting a set of parts together, saves you time and money. Because when kitting is done at the point of manufacture, your own facility operates more efficiently. Here are just a few benefits of ki ... More

APR 25th: Robotics Training for Dayton, OH Manufacturing

Where can you find low-cost training in robotics? Robotics are a big part of modern Dayton, OH manufacturing. Now, Sinclair Community College has partnered with the Miami Valley Career Technical Center to offer you short courses in practical robotics. The programs are for everyone, including those already working in manufacturing who want to upgr ... More
Quality Management Starts with Quality Design | Proto Plastics

5 Strategies to Improve Your Approach to Quality Management

Superb quality management is the cornerstone of accurate component manufacturing in the plastic injection molding industry. By focusing on enhancing your training initiatives, maintaining your manufacturing equipment, and refining your quality inspection process, you will improve your company’s overall approach to quality control. Below ... More

5 Steps to Sourcing Quality Plastic Parts for Medical Equipment

Design accuracy is the single greatest requirement for medical equipment manufacturers. With medical equipment being used to treat patients across the world, device manufacturers cannot afford to invest in imprecise plastic device components. Below are five steps to sourcing quality plastic parts for medical equipment. 1) Seek a provider with many ... More